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The course:
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Instructors:    The course will be jointly taught by E. Faszewski from the Biology Department and W. Seeley from the Physics Department
Textbook:        The text for the course is yet to be determined - It may be that selected readings will take the place of a single textbook.

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This is a one semester course designed to give students entering their first year of college an appreciation (and so, by implication an understanding) of science.  That objective in itself poses a formidable task: To truly understand science one needs to have a firm grasp of mathematics - the language of science is mathematics. This puts many entering college students at a double disadvantage: Often their scientific and their mathematical skills have been woefully neglected. So how do we proceed? First, it is not at all necessary that students know everything about any science, or even know anything about every science. What is necessary is that students know enough science (notice I didn't say know about science), to a level that is more than superficial, so that they can appreciate how, and practice the way, scientists approach and solve the problems Nature poses for them. This is important because we are all constantly confronted with the necessity of solving problems of one kind or another. Scientists, for all the other human failings they may have, have developed a unique set of tools and techniques for solving problems in a logical, systematic and effective way. We will then, as a primary goal, try to learn how to solve problems - not just scientific ones, but just generally,  problems.

We will look at a number of topics from two of the most general branches of science: Biology and Physics. Biology is one of the "life sciences" and physics is one of the "physical sciences." As we do, it will become clear that the two are inexorably connected, and that to understand that connection requires an appreciation (and so, as above, an understanding) of chemistry. There are other connections: From science comes technology, and technology returns the favor by providing the scientist with better tools with which to do better science. A singular tool in this regard is the computer. It's not far from the truth when physicists say that if a computer is not needed in the solution of a problem the problem is most likely trivial. How does a computer solve problems? By doing mathematics!  So it seems we can't get away from it - we're going to understand (and appreciate) mathematics. What about the other sciences? Astronomy, geology, meteorology, etc - the list could be a long one. We'll draw from the list as is appropriate.

Here's how we'll try to get the job done:

There will be lectures by a physicist and a biologist, with guest appearances by others. The lectures we present will be from notes available on these pages, so you won't have to take notes in class - you can listen, participate and think. The topics are listed below. There aren't many topics - it's better to really understand a few things than to "be exposed" to many things. Some of the topics might seem mundane - what's so scientific about making a measurement, or telling the temperature? Others are more esoteric - how do you make a black hole? Hopefully this will become clear as we proceed. One of the first things we are going to ask of you is to read an article from Scientific American. At the end of the course we'll ask you to read it again. Then you can decide if you learned any science along the way.

  1. What is Science?
        Is there a scientific method?
    What is good science (vs. bad science)?
        What is a physical system?
        What is a biological system?
  2. A Quantitative Description is Necessary.
        Frames of reference.
        Measurements and standards.
        The need for mathematics.
        The need for computers.
  3. Celestial and Terrestrial Motion.
        From Greek science to the age of enlightenment.
        The Copernican revolution.
        From Impetus to Inertia - Newton's theory of motion
  4. The Cell - Part 1.
        Cell organelles - Structure and function.
  5. States of Matter.
        Fluids (gasses and liquids) and pressure.
        The gas laws and temperature.
        Heat, entropy and kinetic theory - window to the microscopic world.
        Cell membrane - Structure and function.
        Dalton's atoms and molecules - What is chemistry?
        Steam engines and refrigerators - they're really the same.
  6. The Cell - Part 2.
        Cell membranes - Structure and function.
  7. The Structure of Matter.
        The electron and the atom.
        Electricity and magnetism are united (and so is optics) - Maxwell's electromagnetic theory.
        Electronics, telecommunications, logic circuits and the computer.
        Quantum mechanics - the Copenhagen interpretation.
        The periodic table, molecular structures and modern chemistry.
        Fractals and Chaos.
        The mystery of the subatomic world.
  8. Cell Reproduction.
        Asexual reproduction
        Sexual reproduction
  9. Inheritance.
        Gregor Mendel - monohybrid cross; dihybrid cross.
        Thomas Morgan - X-linked cross.
  10. DNA - Structure, Replication
        Watson & Crick; Chargaff; Franklin.
        Protein synthesis - transcription, transmission.
        Genetic engineering, cloning
  11. From Quarks to Quasars.
        Einstein's general relativity, non-Euclidean geometry and the bending of light.
        The connection between the microscopic world and the early universe.
        The life and death of a star, nucleosynthesis and the formation of life
        A history of time - red shift, excess helium, cosmic background radiation and some unanswered questions.
        Frontiers of physics.
  12. Theory of Evolution.
        Charles Darwin.

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